Lesson # 758 From the Noble Quran
There is no God save Allah
Surah ‘Al-‘An-‘aam (Cattle)
– Chapter – 6)–Stage - 2
– 102 & 103 of 165, Section – 13 of 20 (Part - 7)
In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
102. Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no God
save Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him. And He taketh care of
all things.
103. Vision comprehendeth Him not, but He
comprehendeth (all) vision. And He is the Subtile, the Aware.
102. ZaalikuMUllaahu Rabbu-kum.
Laaa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa
Huu. Khaaliqu kulli
shay-‘in fa’-buduuH. Wa
Huwa ‘alaa kulli
103. Laa
tudrikuHul-‘absaa-ru, wa Huwa
yudri-kul-‘absaar. Wa Huwal- Latiiful- Khabiir.
After describing the
Characteristics of Almighty and Glorious Allah, it makes everyone to understand
that they should recognize God Almighty. It is manifest that a specific form of
that thing comes to mind, when particular signs of anything are told properly,
and that is so clear and that it can be hinted toward that figure.
Those tasks, which have been
reckoned in the first Section, are of such specialty that none can perform save
Allah Almighty. Therefore, the Conception of Allah comes to mind obviously, if
we think deeply upon those creatures (like creation of mankind and animals, heavens,
earth, light, darkness, vegetation and minerals etc.). This verse has begun
with the word Zaaliku-MUllaahu Rabbu-kum
(Such is Allah, your Lord) by pointing out towards that conception. Although,
this conception is in our heart but the Conception of Whom is this, is most
Excellent and Highest, and according to His Greatness and Magnificence, is very
It is commanded that “such is
Allah, your Lord” Who has entire those Qualities, which has been explained
earlier. There is none to be worshipped except Him, so the Worshipped is Allah
only. He is the Creator of all things, so you should bow before Him only for
worship. Only He takes care of all things for everyone. You can imagine about
Him by meditating in His attributes and creations, but your present vision is
unable to comprehend Him. He is well Aware of your eyes’ power, shape and
construction, because His Praise is Khabiir (the Aware). Whereas your present
eyes cannot see even the air etc. then how can those see Allah, Who is
completely Latiif (the Subtile) too in real meaning?
The human being is desirous
naturally that he should recognize Allah Almighty. However, it is some other
matter, if he becomes indolent due to involving in the worldly works and
business, otherwise, wherever he got some time for thinking, these thoughts besieged
him there: Who is my Creator? What is this sky? Who originated the sun, moon,
stars, earth, mountains, rivers, seas etc.? Who provides me food, water,
clothes and usable things?
The Devil desires to keep the
human being away from such thoughts. His only attempt is to keep the mankind
entangled in the worldly works, relishes and lusts in such a manner that the
human being may not think on these questions. So at first, he wants to stop the
mankind thinking by answering these questions ordinarily and misguides: These
things have been coming eternally as they are and will go on forever in the
same manner. You should try only to reap advantage from these things. He says
to the human being: O mankind! See! What sorts of and how much relishes and
pleasures are for you in the world? Give up false thinking and try to enjoy the
But there are some such people,
who think deeply about above mentioned questions. For them Satan thinks that
they should be involved in any such difficulty, from which they may not come
out, because the aim is that they may not know Allah (God) Almighty. The devil
tries his best to keep the human being away from Allah and that Path, which
leads straight forward to Him.
For protecting the mankind from
these tricks of Satan, Allah Almighty sent down the Holy Quran, the actual
object of which is that the humankind should recognize Allah Almighty. So He
guides him to think deeply upon the above mentioned questions, while the devil prevents
him from reflecting on these matters and wishes to keep the mankind entrapped in
worldly life and its relishes, or he teaches that philosophy and science can be
useful in all matters also without Allah.
If we meditate in the previous
verses, we may understand clearly that life of this world is of no value. After
this, the life of Hereafter is the actual life. The person, who will recognize it,
will certainly believe in Holy Qur’an. And then, the Noble Quran will tell them
that nothing has been kept in the world. The real thing is worship of Allah
Almighty and the prayer is form of worship. The prayer will prevent him from
being ensnared every time in the world and will open the Way of Knowing Allah. That
person, who will offer the prayer, will understand that it will become
difficult to be saved, if he considered the worldly work everything, and after
that there will be nothing for him but severity and torment.
There is no doubt that every
animate being has to die. While the death is beyond question, then why should
not be died in such a manner that the soul come out from the body easily and
get immediately ease and comfort forever. Those people, who will reflect in the
verses of previous two sections, they will know the simple answers of above
questions very soon, summary of which is: Allah Almighty created the mankind
and the entire things of the world too for his rest and ease. But the human
being has not born for the only purpose that he would have been entangled in
the world. Moreover, he has been created for the reason that he should recognize
Allah and worship Him. He should know it own betterment of the both worlds,
otherwise he is in danger. His end will be very bad.
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