Lesson # 1024 from Noble Quran
Enjoy what ye
have won, as lawful and good
Surah ‘ANFAAL (SPOILS OF WAR) – Chapter – 8)
Stage – 2, Verses – 68 & 69 of
75, Section – 9 of 10 (Part - 10)
the name of God, the Beneficent, the
68. Had it not been for
an ordinance of Allah which had gone before, an awful doom had come upon you
on account of what ye took.
69. Now enjoy what ye
have won, as lawful and good, and keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is
Forgiving, Merciful.
68. Law-laa
sabaqa lamassakum fiimaaa
‘akhaztum ‘azaabun ‘aziim.
69. Fakuluu
mimmaa ganimtum halaalan
tayyibaa. WattaqUllaah. ‘InnAllaaha
It was explained earlier that
Muslims should not think about temporary benefits of the world, but they should
meditate about its result before doing every work. If the people of Makkah had won against Islam, it would
be meant that the freedom of the power of human’s thinking would be crushed. Practical
consequence of which would be that whosoever desired, had chosen the tenet of
operating others with force; by collecting apparent power, own disciples and
followers, wealth and riches, war equipment and munitions etc. and the Peace would
have been lost from the world. And only this pastime would have prevailed that
everyone had to think about other people and keep them under own influence.
But God Almighty finalized this
decision in the Holy Qur’an that you
should ruin the enemies of the freedom of human conscience. Being kind on them
is just like destroying the humanity and introducing the law of bestiality.
God Almighty commands in this verse
that freeing the captives after getting ransom was too much big mistake at such
occasion that a very stern torment could come, because concession with those
who break the principles of human nature; is a strong reason of mandatory punishment.
If the anguish has not come, then its reason is that Allah Almighty has already
decided. And those decisions have been hindering at this time against the
anguish from God Almighty, which are as under:
· This
favor with the captives was not shown intentionally, because Allah Almighty had
not commanded about it clearly that after getting ransom; freeing the captives
is forbidden. So, it was an error during diligence; and there is no punishment
due to error in diligence.
· The
torment will not be sent in the presence of the Messenger of God Almighty
(grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him).
· The
anguish will not come upon those people who beg pardon of God Almighty.
The Muslims were afraid of so much
big menace and considered that they should not touch the wealth; which they
received as ransom. Therefore, next; it is commanded: This error was not
committed intentionally, so it is forgiven. That is good and lawful for you
which you have already taken. Use it as you wish; and keep your duty to Allah
Almighty in future. Have fear of God’s wrath. Beg pardon of Allah Almighty for
that error which you have committed unknowingly. Be hopeful of the Mercy of God
Almighty and believe that He forgives the sins and errors of those who repent
and ask for His Mercy. And He bestows His blessing on His obedient servants.
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