Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Freedom from obligation was proclaimed

Lesson # 1035 from Noble Quran

Freedom from obligation was proclaimed

Surah ‘TAWBAH or BARAAA-‘AH (REPENTANCE) – Chapter – 9)
Stage – 2, Verses – 1 & 2 of 129, Section – 1 of 16 (Part – 1/4th of 10)

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

1.  Freedom from obligation (is proclaimed) from Allah and His Messenger toward those of the idolaters with whom ye made a treaty.

2.  Travel freely in the land four months, and know that ye cannot escape Allah and that Allah will confound the disbelievers (in His Guidance).
1.  BARAAA-‘ATUM-MINALLAAHI  wa  RasuuliHiii  ‘ilallaziina  ‘aa-hattum-minal-Mush-rikiin.

2.  Fasiihuu  fil-‘arzi  ‘arba-‘ata  ‘ash-hurinw-wa’-lamuuu  ‘annakum  gayru  mu’-jiZIllaahi,  wa  ‘annAllaaha  mukh-zil-kaafiriin.   


BARAAA-‘ATUN – (freedom, exemption from control), this word has been derived from bar-‘un, which means “to be separate, to recover from illness”. According to our language, the word “Barii” is used commonly (a form of bari-‘un), which means exempt, acquitted, released, let off etc. as - so and so governor freed the accused, he was released from the case. Baraaa-‘atun means “to get rid of, to acquire freedom”. Here it aims: We cancel all previous articles of agreement and treaties of alliance.   

Siihuu – (Travel freely), the origin of this word is siaaha-tun. Siaaha-tun means “journey, travelling, voyage and pilgrimage, to go for a walk and spring, to wander independently here and there.

Mukh-zii – (One; who disgraces someone else), it is the Subject from the word ‘ikh-zaa-‘un, which has been derived from the word khiz-yun. Khiz-yun means “infamy, disgrace. ‘Ikh-zaa-‘un means “to disgrace”.

Kaafiriin – it is plural of kaafir and the subject from the word kufrun. This word has been used hither and thither; at many places. Everywhere it means “disbelievers”. However, it aims such disbeliever, who; not only disbelieves himself but compels other people with force that they should not believe. Opposite to this word is Mu’-min, which means “the person who believes in Allah Almighty”. The Believer affirms God Almighty and advises other people that having belief in Allah Almighty is better and necessary, but he does not want to compel any other that he should believe. Even there is no quarrel with any disbeliever; if he does not prevent the people forcibly from believing. The fight against any disbeliever is at such time when he begins to prevent the people violently from believing.

Such decision has been caused to hear in these verses that in future, you are not bound to abide by any agreement or treaty which you made earlier with the disbelievers, whether the period of it was limited or unlimited. Proclaim before them and those with whom you have not made any treaty that they are free for only four months to travel in this country; wherever they wish; with freedom. After that, if they desire to live in the Peninsula of Arab, they would have to accept Islam, otherwise; get out of this Peninsula. If they will not leave this place, then they will be killed. Allah Almighty will disgrace the disbelievers in both worlds and put them out of favor.      

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Pak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif)

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