Quran Chptr 10-90 (Pt-11, Stg-3) (L–1322)-درس قرآن
Pharaoh pursued the Children of Israel
Surah YUUNUS - 10 (JONAH)
In the name of Allah,
the Beneficent, the Merciful
90. And We brought the Children of Israel across
the sea, and Pharaoh with his hosts pursued them in rebellion and
transgression, till, when the (fate of) drowning overtook him, he exclaimed:
I believe that there is no God save Him in Whom the Children of Israel
believe, and I am of those who surrender (unto Him).
90. Wa
jaa-waz-Naa bi-Baniii ‘Is-raaa-‘iilal-bahra fa-‘atba-‘ahum Fir-‘awnu
wa junuu-duhuu bag-yanw-wa
‘ad-waa. Hattaaa ‘izaaa
‘adra-kahul-garaqu, qaala ‘aa-mantu ‘anna-Huu
laaa ‘ilaa-ha ‘il-lalla-Ziii ‘aa-manat
biHii Banuuu- ‘Israa-‘iila wa
‘ana minal-Musli-miin.
– {We brought (them)
across), it is past tense from the word mujaa-wa-zatun which has been
derived from jawz. Some more words like jawaaz, tajwiiz
and tajaawaz etc. have come out from the same; which are used usually in
Urdu language. It means to pass, to go forth, to cross and go on the other
One night, Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) was instructed by Allah
Almighty: Go out from this city along with the Children of Israel in the middle
of this night. The Children of Israel were going away that they saw a river in
the way. Meanwhile they heard news that Pharaoh with his Army has been coming
behind them. They confused very much that they had been surrounded very badly.
Then Prophet Moses (peace be upon Him) was commanded: Strike your stick
on the river. As soon as He (peace be upon Him) obeyed God’s command, the water
of the river was cracked and they saw the bottom dried. Along with the Children
of Israel, Prophet Moses (peace be upon Him) got down and crossed the river.
When Pharaoh arrived at the bank of river, he observed that there were
many ways ready to cross the river, then he also; along with his Army; got down
in the river. When they entered in the river; the water, which was standing
like walls, was resembled. When Pharaoh began to drown; he exclaimed: I believe in God Who is God of the Children of Israel, and now; I am of
those who surrender unto Him. It happens often with rebels and transgressors
that they do not attend to any person; till the time they are intoxicated with
their wealth and property, but when they begin to be ruined; then they believe
that perhaps; by the fortune of Belief; they are saved, but at such time; their
Belief is not useful.
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