Thursday, 26 September 2013

Punishment For Bad Scholars Of The Religions

BAQARAH – 2 (The Cow)
Punishment For Bad Scholars Of The Religions
Verse –174 of 286, Section – 21 (Part 2)

Lo! Those who hide aught of the Scripture which Allah hath revealed and purchase a small gain therewith, they eat into their bellies nothing else than fire. And Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He make them grow. And theirs will be a painful doom.          
‘Innallaziina  yaktumuuna maaa ‘anzalallaahu  minal-Kitaabi  wa  yashtaruuna  bihii  samanan-qaliilan,  ‘ulaaa-‘ika  maa ya’-kuluuna  fii  butuuni-him  illan-Naara  wa  laa  yukal-limu-humullaahu  Yawmal-Qi-yaamati  wa  laa yuzakkiihim.  Wa  lahum  ‘azaabun  ‘aliim.


Samanan-qaliilan – (a small gain) the worldly gains desiring are a lot comparatively to the gains and rewards of the Doomsday even then these are very lesser and unreal. This is the actual meaning of samanan-qaliilan.

God Almighty had also included the orders and instructions regarding lawful and forbidden things in the Divine’s laws of the children of Israel so that the nation may recognize the straight path. But out of that nation a group of persons monopolized the religion and this group was considered as the scholars of the religion and monks. They began to explain and comment on the Scriptures revealed heavenly. Then due to worldly temptation they used to tell the people the points which favored them and purchased a small gain therewith explaining topsy-turvy and exchanging according to the will of people. Hence the purpose of the commands died. So like this class of scholars went astray as well as they misled also the other persons.

In this verse their punishment is being mentioned that due to this crime they eat into their bellies nothing else than fire as if the poison has been mixed in a very delicious food, such then apparently that food will be much tasty but after reaching into the belly it will ignite. Like this these persons are ruining hereinafter due to worldly greed. Although apparently they are passing their lives with pump and show, and comfortably, the people respect them but in fact their end will be much horrible.

Now three more punishments are being narrated for those persons in this verse:

·        Allah Almighty will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection. So these bad scholars will be kept deprived from the Mercy and Kindness of the God Almighty. The Creator of the universe and Master of the Doomsday will turn His face from them. It will be deprivation from His Mercy and declaration of His anger.
·       They would never be pure from the sins. Due to their sins God Almighty will put them into the Hell. Purification and correction will never be obtainable by them. The God Almighty will forgive some other evildoers after punishment with His Mercy and purify them. But these bad scholars will remain always in the Fire for burning. Neither their sins will fall off nor they will become pure and nor they might enter the Paradise.    
·       Horrible doom will be for them not only physically but also mentally and spiritually, and they will never get rid of this trouble. May God Almighty save us from that Doom?

It is known from this verse that how a great crime is to hide the Just, not to disclose the Truth, to interpret false of the true talks and expose wrongfully the Orders of the God Almighty, which has too many punishments. It is so big sin because due to this sin the entire nation goes to ruin and falls into the dark well of stray leaving the straight path. If on the one side speaking the truth and fearlessness are superior virtues then on the other side hypocrisy and hiding the truth are the worst moral crimes, and the Messenger (May glory, grace, blessings and peace be upon Him) of God Almighty has explained to speak the truth in front of cruel ruler is Jihad (to try and strive).

Transliteration in Roman Script & English Translation of Holy Qur’an written by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore and Paraphrase collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated by Muhammad Sharif) 

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