Saturday, 7 September 2013

Trial And Examination

BAQARAH – 2 (The Cow)
Trial And Examination 
Verse –155 of 286, Section – 19 (Part 2)

And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to the steadfast.              
Wa lanablu-wannakum-  bi-shay-‘im-minal-khawfi waljuu-‘i  wa  naqsim-minal-‘amwaali  wal-‘anfusi  was-samaraat.  Wa bash-shiris-Saabiriin. 


It was stated in the previous verse about the people who acquired higher post of steadfastness, that is to say they fought in the way of God Almighty and were put to death as martyrs in the path of Truth. Now in this verse it is mentioned that the Muslims will face these types of trials and tests during their lives which will be more troublesome than the death to maintain its stability. The person should never show weakness and cowardice-ness during these kinds of situations. Moreover they should take strength from the steadfastness and continue to obey the commands of God Almighty happily with His assent.

These tests will appear in the different shapes, for example fear of the enemy, danger of banishment, confinement and imprisonment on speaking the truth, season of dearth or famine, shortage of the basic needs of life, wealth and property, deficiency in livelihood and employment, killing of nearest relatives, friends and supporters in the path of God Almighty, looking mortality, ruin and expiration of own relatives during the war against enemies of Allah Almighty and His Messenger (glory, grace, blessings and peace be upon Him), shortage of fruits, other eatable and drinkable things etc.

The people will be tested through all these difficulties, calamities, and troubles from time to time, their perseverance, steadiness and steadfastness will be seen. It is not too much easy to include oneself between the steadfast. So it is warned here that a lot of troubles like these may be faced during try for doing benediction and prestige of God Almighty, but it is the demand of steadfastness that instead of being afflicted and broken hearted we should remain zealous and earnest in inclination of our cause. Conception to achieve it should remain firm with full strength and keep it up with the tireless hardworking.  

Transliteration in Roman Script & English Translation of Holy Qur’an written by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore and Paraphrase collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated by Muhammad Sharif) 

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