Verse – 5 of 286, section -1
These depend
on guidance
from their
Lord. These are the successful
‘alaa hudam-mir-Rabbihim wa ‘ulaaa-‘ika humul-Muf-lihuun
Al-Muf-lihuun – Those who succeed. This
word is built from ‘Falaah’. It means, ‘betterment, deliverance, happiness,
prosperity, profit, good.’ But literally ‘Falaah’ means, ‘amputation’. Probably
agriculturist or farmer is so called ‘Fallaah’ because he ploughs in the
earth, sows seed, which comes out from the earth in the shape of a young
plant. In Arabic language this word has vast meanings. All successes of this
life and Hereinafter have been mentioned in it collectively. All scholars
agree upon this word’s meanings that there is no better word in Arabic
language except ‘Falaah’ to declare all kinds of success. He will be called
‘Muflih’ (succeeded), who reaches success after removing all kinds of
difficulties and hindrances.
In ‘Surah Faatihah’ (The Opening) we humbly made requests to God for
guidance towards the straight path. Replying to that request we received a
Message, which we have read in the previous lessons. After that, some emblems
have been explained about the persons who achieved guidance:
· Believe in Omniscient besides
this materialistic world
· Establish worship to disclose
their relation practically with God.
· Spend for the sake of God out
of that which He has bestowed upon them
· Believe in that which
revealed upon the Messenger (Muhammad) (peace be upon Him), The Holy Qur’aan,
and admit Him as their Spiritual Guide.
· Admit the Holy Books,
Journals and Guidance revealed prior to Holy Qur’aan.
· Are certain of the Hereafter, rewards and
punishment in accord with deeds (of this life).
Now it is mentioned in this verse that
these pious persons are actually on
guidance of God. “These
depend on guidance from their Lord and
These are the successful”. It is the
betterment of this life that guidance became their fortune and they got a
complete and the best rule of life. And they molded their lives according to
the custom and succeeded in all respect. Success in the Hereafter means that
they will get complete rewards of their deeds.
Before Islam, the Arabians were very poor. Camel-driving was their
occupation. They had neither wealth, nor regular Army and nor sufficient quantity
of eatables/drinkables, but when they admitted in Islam and acted upon the
teachings of Holy Qur’aan whole heartedly, they succeeded in all fields
of life. The earth kissed their feet and the sky threw upon them auspiciousness
and kindnesses. God gave them all which was promised by Him. Today if we
mold our lives according to the teachings of Holy Que’aan, this promise
of success is also for us. And we shall succeed too in this life and on the
in Roman Script, English Translation by Marmaduke Pickthall and Paraphrase
collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh,
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