Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Who Go Astray

Who Go Astray  
Verse – 27 of 286, section -3
Those who break the covenant of Allah after ratifying it, and sever that which Allah ordered to be joined and (who) make mischief in the earth. Those are they who are the losers. 
‘Allaziina yanqu-zuuna ‘Ah-dallaahi mim-ba’-di mii-saaqihii, wa yaqta-‘uuna maaa ‘amarallaahu bihiii ‘any-yuu-sala wa yufsiduuna fil-‘arz ‘ulaaa-‘ika humul-khaa-siruun.
‘Ah-da – (Covenant) To act upon the Spoken words after speaking them becomes necessary. Covenant of God means that The God is our Lord and we believe to obey the covenant of God. God asked from all the mankind collectively before sending them in this world, “Am I not your Lord”? All the mankind ratified, “Yes! You are our Lord”. Then God commanded, “I make witness to the earth and sky. And to remind you this covenant that I shall send My Messengers (Peace be upon Them). Hazrat Abi bin Ka’ab (Compliments on Him) said that the meaning of the Covenant of God is this covenant in this verse. Besides the covenant of the Day of Eternity there is some other covenant in which nature of mankind is present. Then there are other covenants also present which were done by having faith on the Prophets (Peace be upon Them) and are done with the pious on the name of God.

       It has been being discussed from the previous verse that adulterers and disobedient people become victim of depravity. Now causes of their depravity are being mentioned:   

·       They break the covenant after ratifying with God. To believe that Allah is my Master, my Worshipped and my Lord is a very simple talk and the sense of the mankind wishes itself that he should not believe on any other thing as his Lord but God.
·       Other token is that the miscreant breaks each type of that relationship to which God has commanded to unite. It means that the person should perform and complete all the Rights of God and which are due on him in accord with relationship with the mankind. But the miscreant becomes undutiful and ungrateful.
·       Third mark of the fornicator is that he spreads disturbance in the country. He creates mischief in the peace of world.   

       After pointing out towards above three signs the God has told their end that these people will go astray regarding the religion and the world. God Almighty save us from their evil and bring us towards the straight path.                 

Transliteration in Roman Script, English Translation by Marmaduke Pickthall (Holy Qur’aan published by Paak Company, Urdu Bazar Lahore and Paraphrase collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islah wa Tableegh, Lahore, translated By Muhammad Sharif Fauji


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